Phone (425)337-5620 Fax (425) 337-3487 Email: |
ENLARGERS, COLOR Updated: 11/25/2024 |
| 2874 | PC | HK 10x10 color enlarger head, controller, power supply & cords, 1987 model, no blower fan | $2,000 |
| 1349 | PC | Durst 8x10 color enlarger with Durst 184 chassis, Durst 1840 color head & 9x9 aerial glass roll film carrier, 10x10 light box, 150-240-300m lenses | $3,600 |
| 4123 | MW | Durst 10x10 enlarger with color head, Laborator 184 condenser head, Lacon 252, 383, 180, 130 Condenser Lens, Durst CLS 1840 Color Head, Dial extensions, Labrabox 100N, 450N, 450 diffuser (in box), Standard 10x10, Custom 4x5 inset, Durst 4x5, 6x6, 10x10 Glass Carrier, pull through for roll film, Large lens Board, Schneider Kreuznach 5.6 300mm lens, Large lens Board with Schneider Componon-s 5.6 150mm lens, 2 smaller Durst lens mounts, 2 Durst under the lens red filters (different sizes), Durst EST 1000N Power Supply, Power supply cord, misc electrical cords & 2 FEL lamps | $7,800 |
| 5152 | NE | Durst 8x10 Labormator Color Enlarger with Durst CLS-1840 color head, Durst PCM-1001 Controller, Laratrino 135-645-6x6-6x7-4x5 carriers, 2-10x10 glass carriers, lens plates Uiipla-Laratubn, Rodenstock 300m f5.6 lens, 10x10-450-135 light boxes & durst ECU 1000 VCNA translator | $11,000 |
| 5358 | MW | Chromega 5x7 super E color Enlarger with Super Chromega E/D-!! Color head, power supply, voltage stabilizer, Gralab timer, Magna Focusing sight, 6x9, 6x12, 6x17, 135mm negative carriers for Round shot and Widelux length negatives, Rapdi Shift negative carrier, 201m El Nikkor lens with tunnel lens board, 135m el Nikkor & 50m Rodenstock on lens boards | $1,050 |
| 3894 | MW | Vivatech 810 lamphouse, computer with Chromega D-5 chassis, 3 lens turret, 63-105-150 Nikkor lenses & carriers | $850 |
| 4368 | NE | Beseler 4x5 Universal Color enlarger with accessories | $900 |
| 5738 | MW | Eseco Speedmaster 4x5 computerized color enlarger with accessories | $3,500 |
| 5727 | FP | Chromega D 4x5 color head, 4x5 mix box, power supply, solid state power supply & timer, Lamp operational | $750 |
| 4369 | NE | Super Chromega D 4x5 color enlarger with wall mount & accessories | $850 |
Phone (425)337-5620 Fax (425) 337-3487 Email: |